Missing Max


24 Jan 2024

To round yesterday off we spotted some kelp on the water. The Skipper promptly hooked some, fried it and it was most tasty - although not to everyone’s taste.

This Morning heralded a return to more blustery conditions and a big sea so difficult to get much done below.

My own watch was 06.00 to 09.00 so nice to see the sun come up and we were followed by a bird, taking a keen interest in Yemaya

A bridge too far - SQ mentioned his concern for the sanity of the Skipper who has been swotting up on Bridge (card) tactics to improve his online skills. It has taken a while to realise we are not online.

So having asked for questions to write about and in the absence of anything except from my Brother in Law in Johannesburg- his question is “Why should the Scots win the 6 Nations?” He like most of that side of the family are rugby / sports fanatics and clearly don’t understand sailing too is a sport.

Where to start: we Scots are far more handsome than the rest of the UK / need I remind folk we have now lifted the Calcutta Cup 3 times in a row / we’re pretty hopeless at most things but the 6 Nations is special and brings out the v best in us Scots. And tonight is Burns night so we will be chasing the haggis round the deck.

So if there are no questions for tomorrow, I’m going to revert to life on board - down to the minor details you probably don’t want to know about.

700 miles to go.

Bye for now Missing Max