Hellish swell, 20 / 25 knts of wind but the sun is out and Yemaya is bowling along - double reef in the Main and Staysail.
I’ve just washed and actually smell quite good - my colleagues set a very low bar.
Last night we chased a Haggis round the deck before he was finally caught, pierced and sent to the pot. Jock did a fantastic job with butternut and potato and we raised a glass to Robbie Burns and Scotland winning the 6 Nations.
The seas have been difficult and what we take for granted ashore, for example a plate on a table staying still, doesn’t work out here.
Yesterday SQ wet himself - certainly brown stain on his shorts. On further investigation we discovered his tea had gone flying - only after he complained for some reason of “hot nethers.”
Jennifer at last some questions so here are the answers:
Q1 Worst bit - 3,000 miles to go Best bits - the turtle / dolphins in phosphorescence and JH cooking
Q2 Can we sleep - well as mentioned apparently the aft quarters are most salubrious and the Skipper is sleeping well. For the rest of us we are either airborne or trying to sleep in a pipecot - the forecastle is damp and like a washing machine. Q3
Fuel - then a good shower followed by a beer hopefully standing still Updates to follow later Bye for now
Missing Max