So today we discussed terms we don’t like in the use of English which now seem to be accepted but just don’t make sense.
SQ: “to be Honest.” Why say it unless one intends to be dishonest. JH: waiters who say “no problem” - pointless - of course it’s not a problem it’s there job!
AT: the term “enjoy”. This seems to be increasingly common - “enjoy what???” As for politicians who start a sentence with: “I want to be absolutely clear” when one knows they are absolutely not!! Late PM a turtle was spotted by Stephen - the wild life count continues. Jock suggested turtle soup but we couldn’t catch it.
Now on watch this evening our grumpy day has been capped with a beautiful display of dolphins. I can see them swimming round Yemaya shrouded in phosphorescence - simply a glorious sight.
Bye for now Missing Max